You walk in, curious. Nurse Joy approaches, saying "I'm the time-travelling cousin" after seeing your bewildered look. She shepherds you further into the center...
Hello, and welcome to my Pokemon Center! I love Pokemon dearly- it is my latest obsession -and this is a place that will be dedicated to Pokemon; sort of a sub-site, if you will. First of all, you may ask What the hell is a Pokemon?! I'll tell you. First, he's a picture of the cutest and best Pokemon ever to exist (he's a good fighter, too)- Charmander!!!!! Charmander:Char!
Pokemon: Magical creatures that can be captured using a Pokeball. There are 151 known Pokemon, and many unknown. Pokemon is also an entertaining gameboy game, and an excellent anime-type television show.
You cna tell a lot about a person by who their favorite Pokemon are, you know. I'll be collecting images of my favorite Pokemon and placing them here in future. Right now, I only have faithful Charmander. I'll also be looking for Oddish, it's evolved form, Gloom, Scyther, Paras, Jigglypuff, and some others that I think are either deadly in battle, or really cute.
My meagre mind has run out of ideas...... I know that Pokemon has a huge fan base, so anyone who has wandered by here, please tell me some mroe ideas by mail me.