Surlia - 02/11/99 20:18:08 My | Comments: Hey-lo! I told you I'd sign you're guestbook, and I have haven't I? lol. Well, then. I do SO love your story my boy, as well I think you know. I shall have to finish it soon, or i may very well die of anxiety. oh, yes, for all you readers out there, I'm a girl, not a guy. heh. Ehem, yes. Well, gotta go lad! See you! Slan! surlia. |
Arctic - 02/07/99 02:09:34 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: yes | Comments: hello! i read chapter one and bookmarked the page to come back and read the rest. really nice! keep up the good work and all. |
Kurafire - 02/02/99 19:33:05 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Yeah! | Comments: Hey, I thought I'd just listen to you and sign your guestbook again. Hey everyone, there's a competition running on my site, it's got lots of cool categories and stuff, please vote, I would appreciate it! Ppl say it's cool, so just take a peek, it won't b te ya! L8rs y'all! Faruk Ates aka KuraFire |
Deanna Warwas - 01/31/99 22:05:20 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: yea | Comments: cool page check mine out sometime |
HannaPanna - 01/28/99 18:33:11 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Jeah je :) | Comments: HolaBandola! JO män majkel. wats app? not much here. :) cool sajt. aj havent been here for a while but it is always so nice to drop by :) tomorrow it is weekend :) nearly. weel after lunch ;) *whoi* i am phoning home but my mum or dad doesnt answer *gah* oh well. it´ just to try again :) anyways. it´s great here :) i will recored a tape to u this weekend oki? sorry for my very bad english. anyways! take care have fun..etc :) HuGs Hannis :) |
Den Wilson - 01/22/99 01:00:50 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Yes | Comments: Hey, I finally got around to returning the favor and pay a visit your site. You've got a great look to your site and some interesting story ideas. I read a few chapters and it looks interesting. |
Arilyn/The Girl Without An Alias/Lindsay - 01/16/99 19:25:45 My URL:http://(Sigh, I don't have one. . . YET!! My Do you like my stories?: YESSSS!!!! | Comments: Tsk, tsk, friend - that question about liking your stories is yet another example of your low self-esteem, that you must be *told* your visitors like your stories disappoints me. . . . Don't ask 'em if they like your stuff, assume! Trust that your story ROCKS that much that all will like it instantly!!! (In that vein I must appologize to you and all your avid visitors for not having your edit done for you - as it deprives all of a higher grad of work I know everyone is salavating to see.) Well ta-ta! :D |
Faruk KuraFire Ates - 12/19/98 08:36:41 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: YES! | Comments: UM, just signing ur Gbook 4 fun, and now that i'm at it, i'll ask EVERYONE this: I am creating a new website with frames and much more, but i need some really beautiful pictures for that, and if you have any (ANY!) please send them to me at my above mail ad. Thank you all very, very much! Faruk. |
Scylla - 12/19/98 03:04:05 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Yes! That's like me asking you who your favorite FF7 character is... ^_^ | Comments: Woohoo, I'm visitor 500! Do I get a prize? Nah, you already gave me a great one for my 1000th hit... :) Your story rocks as always. I love conspiracys... ^_^ Rhendra is a cool villan! She rules! Heh heh...I voted twice in your poll. Yenne and Shaylor dese ved more votes, since I think they're cool. ^_^ I hope the christmas break recharges you a little. Now I'm off to mail you. So congratulations! Here's to 500 hits and many hundreds after that! o^_^o |
kocica - 12/18/98 03:19:19 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: yup! lots. | Comments: there, now i know i signed your guestbook. you were right about my vote on the poll. i don't really know why i like David, but i do. i think he may remind me of Mat from the Wheel of Time a little. but i may be wrong, i have odd trains of thought. |
Jeremy Steadman - 12/07/98 18:11:07 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Yes | Comments: I really liked your Space Saga (as much as you have up so far). One day I expect to see your name alongside those of Arthur C. Clarke, Greg Bear, Poul Anderson, and Piers Anthony. Great job! |
Arashi Girlie - 11/30/98 22:52:19 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Of course! | Comments: Okie, I sorta skimmed over your stories but I promise I'll come back, read them & give you some feedback. (Oooo, that's a rare thing from me! ^_~) Thanks for coming to my site & signing the guestbook. *^_^* |
Michael Collins a.k.a TooManyToCount - 11/29/98 06:08:32 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Um... since I made them, no, because I have no self esteem | Comments: Wow! I'm celebrating 200 (207 when I signed!) hits on my website... I own this monstrosity if you are wonderinng, and am so happy it is gathering a modest (but not embarresingly small) number of hits... I hope more people come and more people read. Enjoym nt is optional! |
June Dragon - 11/22/98 20:55:04 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: haven't read them yet . . . | Comments: Hey, Just came by to see if you have the ring logo on your site. To join the webring, you need the SF & Fantasy gif on the bottom of your page. Once that's on I'll add you. It should increase your hits a lot. Also if you want you can do a self review of y ur book and I'll place it on my site! Just look at some of the reviews . . . |
Panjea - 11/21/98 20:38:49 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: YES!! | Comments: Your stories aren't that bad. Remember me? anyway, I like your site! Thanx for visiting mine! |
Hellraiser Lady 666 - 11/18/98 20:35:26 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: What? | Comments: Visit my site and sign the %$^#$%^&#%^&%^& guestbook while you're still sober! |
Scylla - 11/17/98 01:45:31 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: The voices in my head say yes... :) | Comments: Wow, I love music and I never even thought of making a soundtrack for my long stories! Argh! You come up with all the good ideas! I feel bad about ripping them off, so I'll ask permission to use your idea. Keep up the good work...or something.... ^_^ |
Faruk Ates - 11/11/98 19:56:12 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: uhm, well, i dunno. | Comments: I am sorry but i only had the time to check out ur page briefly but if i have the time (read: when my page is finished enough!) i'll read ur whole story. OK? well, ur site is pretty good overall, so....L8r! |
Teka - 11/11/98 00:38:47 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Of course! | Comments: Shagedelic story! (Yeah, I've been watching "Austin Powers", please don't kill me..) I know I'll finish it one of these days! Laters great writer! |
Scylla - 11/09/98 01:51:44 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup (sensing a pattern?) | Comments: I signed a few minutes ago, but I am visitor 100. I feel special. ^_^ Just one of many landmark hits. Next will come 500, 1000, 5000, and finally, 10000 hits. I'll make you something nice when you hit 5000 or something. Laters! |
Scylla - 11/09/98 01:42:42 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Ya-huh!!!! :) iyma hik! Der hyuk! (kidding) | Comments: I finally finished more of your wonderful story. I'm at about chapter 18 now. Happy? ^_^_^ And WOW! It's starting to get good. No, I take that back. It's starting to get better! Til later.... |
jess!!!! - 11/05/98 14:41:44 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: yuppers | Comments: howdyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! see! i looked at my page like i said! thus far, it's pretty cool! I like your strange little comments, they remeind me of a certain phsyco i know! *L* just you wait, you'll be like that some day! *L* |
Scylla - 10/26/98 22:56:41 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Hell yeah! | Comments: Just read chapters 1-4 and loved 'em! I like that kind of "out of this world" fiction.^_^ Looking forward to the reast of the story... |
Hanna - 10/26/98 21:09:03 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Jes | Comments: Hej! :-) Nice page and stuffs! //Hannis |
Scylla - 10/21/98 22:26:09 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: We'll see... | Comments: Heh...I'm visitor #2. (aka Scylla ^_^) That's a pretty good question to put in your guestbook. I think I'll go add it to mine. Looking forward to reading your stories! I'll sign your guestbook again when I do. |
Michael Collins - 10/21/98 21:33:56 My URL: My Do you like my stories?: Yeah, since I wrote them. | Comments: Hi.. This is the person who created this thing... I hope it meets with your approval! MichaelCollins a.k.a Mysteron |